Privacy became a primary topic in 2015 following a series of hacking incidents that sparked off scandals, corporate spying, and the involvement of well-known tech companies in government initiated snooping. Consumers...
The Edward Snowden revelations was a turning point for the entire world after June 2013 when Edward Snowden leaked on purpose thousands of documents to that were considered as the “the biggest intelligence leak in...
Most of us have the propensity to connect to public Wi-Fi every now and then when we are pressed for an internet connection to do certain things or perform certain tasks which would not be possible without a sturdy...
In the simplest term there is, a hacker is an individual who uses electronic devices such as a computer in order to gain unauthorised access to data. In most case scenarios, hackers are computer wizards, however, there...
Often we hear of people’s private information being leaked and this sometimes could have serious repercussions on people’s lives. Being prepared for the worst case scenario for your email, apps and social...